
Unconditional Preparation of Squeezed Vacuum from Rabi Interactions

The laws of quantum mechanics impose a bound on how precise one can simultaneous know the position and momentum of a particle—An effect is known as the quantum uncertainty principle. Therefore, even when a particle is completely at rest, it must exhibit tiny fluctuations in its position and momentum to satisfy the uncertainty principle. However, many quantum technologies require particles with uncertainties smaller than these quantum fluctuations. In theory, this can be achieved by “squeezing” the particle, a process in which the uncertainty of the position is reduced at the cost of increasing the uncertainty in the momentum. In practice, however, realizing such squeezing is not a trivial task, and squeezed particles quickly decay back to the ground state in real-world systems.

In this work, we present a novel quantum algorithm to efficiently produce squeezed states. The algorithm uses interactions which are readily available in trapped-ion and superconducting circuit systems—two of the leading platforms for quantum information processing. This work thus constitutes an experimental blueprint for producing squeezed resources necessary for a range of quantum technologies, from computing to communication.


This work was carried out in collaboration with professor Radim Filip from Palcký University, Czech Republic.


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