Congratulation Carles!

On October 23rd, Carles Roch i Carceller successfully defended his PhD thesis “Quantum state discrimination with applications in contextuality and randomness certification”. During his PhD project, Carles has studied limits to the discrimination of nonorthogonal quantum states, resulting in fundamental insights into the differences between quantum and classical physics as well new ways to certify randomness from quantum experiments. As part of the project, Carles established a fruitful collaboration with the gruop of Prof. Joonwoo Bae at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST). Carles' thesis was evaluated by Profs. Tobias Gehring (DTU Physics), Marco Túlio Quintino (Sorbonne University), and Antonio Acín (The Institute of Photonic Sciences).

Carles will continue his research at Lund University in Sweden. Many congrats to Carles!