Internt samarbejde på DTU

DTU institut         Type af samarbejde
DTU Aqua Research (VKR centre for Ocean life).
DTU Nanolab Research (nanoparticle morphology and dynamics) Teaching (bachelor course in visualization).
DTU Chemistry Research (electro-catalysis, molecular dynamics). 

DTU Energy Conversion 
and -Storage

Research (energy materials, batteries, x-ray scattering).
DTU Informatics

Research (Development of state of the art algorithms for imaging is done in close collaboration with DTU Informatics through supervision of students as well as synergy effects of two ERC grants at DTU Physics and DTU IMM. Additional funding options are sought to further enhance the collaboration). 

DTU Management  Research (contribution to the fusion association on Socio-economical research for fusion energy).
DTU Mathematics  Research (complementary research relating to cryptology, where DTU Physics focuses on the quantum cryptology and hardware, and DTU Mathematics focuses on the software. Possible future collaboration).
DTU MEK Research (Section for Biophysics, materials for fusion reactors).
DTU Nanotech 

Research (microreactor development, graphene).

Teaching (Physics and Nanotechnology educations) .

DTU Nutech     Research (neutron dynamics in connection with development of equip-ment/diagnostics for ITER and beyond).
DTU Photonics  Research (CASE projects e.g. in bandgap engineering).
Teaching (Physics and Nanotechnology educations).
DTU Space 

Research (general plasma physics, Collaboration as QA experts in connection with, e.g., ITER contracts).

Teaching (participation of development of the Bachelor and Master educations in Geophysics and Space technology, possible use of our introductory courses in Me-chanics and Thermodynamics on their bachelor).

DTU Wind Energy  Research (superconductors).